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Print module Canon Pro 100 printing in 2024

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Feb 22, 2019
Indianapolis, IN (US)
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  1. macOS 13 Ventura
I figured this may be the best place to get some good suggestions. I have a Canon Pro-100 printer and I use Precision Colors (Ink), along with their profiles. My primary computer is a 2017 iMac (Ventura) and I use Lightroom Classic and Photoshop (all the most current versions, but not cloud versions). I enjoy printing, and refilling my own cartridges makes this a lot more affordable. It would seem that every few months either Apple or Adobe does an update and I am re-experiencing the printers version of "Groundhog Day". I usually end-up spending a lot of time, ink and paper until I realize that my printer install and profiles have been re-arranged for my convenience and I am thrown into the troubleshooting mode. Although I get better each time this happens, I am frankly getting tired of these herculean efforts. So, for those of you who may have a similar setup but are getting consistently good results, have you found a way to print reliably with Lightroom and/or photoshop directly, or are you using a 3rd party plugin or App? Since I do have a surplus of ink and another Pro-100 (still in the box) and am happy with the results I get when printing with the Pro-100 (when stuff works properly), I'd like to keep the printer and find a software or process solution that works well. I'm hoping to get some good feedback and hear about what others have that's working well for them - thanks, Mark
Of course the obvious answer would be to go and buy a windows machine, but I won't go there. You could try a RIP which would bypass the whole issue of using the MAC drivers, but they are generally not cheap, there are a number available I use Quad Tone but not sure if that there is MAC version?
You could try Qimage, which has a Mac Version.

I do not use the Mac Version because it does not have (VIP, to me) features available on the Windows Qimage Ultimate version. Also, mostly I use Lr on Windows for printing.

Qimage is a half way house between a driver and a RIP. I am not sure how Qimage will deal with custom inks, but I expect that as long as you have the correct printer/paper/ink profiles it should work.

Canon have their own printing tool. People use it because it bypasses the Adobe ingredient and has the advantage that it connects directly to Canon drivers. I am not sure of the name as I use Epson.

It saddens me that the print pipeline on Mac is so unreliable and seems to suffer issues so regularly. I have to deal with loads of issues with friends with Macs in relation to printing. While I have a MacAir for travel, I do not use it for printing and would not regard myself as a Mac expert.
I agree with Gnits, Qimage is a great printing program, although the UI , well, you have to get used to it !
But Qimage ultimate AFAIK is for Windows only.
You need to look for Qimage One for a cross platform version of Qimage.

You could also look into the famous 'Air print' apple driver which is apparently causing a lot of problems, and a way to remove it
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Thank you Gnits and Bernard and happycranker,
So I did some investigating after another round of printing attempts and the cleaning of my Pro-100 print head. Next, I sent an email to Binartem (the makers of Qimage One (for Mac). I can honestly say that the tech support response was well incredibly positive and well worth the $79 I paid for the software, which I downloaded as soon as I could verify the results from the free demo software. Within an hour today (Saturday) I was contacted by Andrew Wilford (developer) and he explained the issues with Ventura and printing. He confirmed that his program totally disables any other program from trying to introduce color correction. After his very detailed explanation I loaded the program on my iMac (Ventura) and MBP (M1 Sonoma). I took the same TIFF test print and printed it, via the Qimage One Plug-in for each machine and as I expected, I got 2 identical images. I am so happy!
For anyone who is using either an older Mac stuck on Ventura or a Pro-100, I can vouch that this tool is well worth the investment. Happy Printing, Mark
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