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Can not browse in Detail view

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Ole Kvaal

Premium Classic Member
Oct 30, 2016
Lightroom Experience
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Operating System
  1. macOS 13 Ventura
Another day, another problem (or question): when I double-click a photo i Grid view, it opens in Detail view. There I can have a closer look at it before rating, editing, deleting or whatever. But when I want to look at the next picture, the arrows keys to not work. They just give a "plonk" and that's it. So to look at the next photo, I will have to go back to Grid and repeat the procedure, or use the mouse on the film strip. Both seem a little cumbersome. I have asked in a Norwegian LR group and browsed the net, but can't find anything that helps. So here I'm back again.
Another day, another problem (or question): when I double-click a photo i Grid view, it opens in Detail view. There I can have a closer look at it before rating, editing, deleting or whatever. But when I want to look at the next picture, the arrows keys to not work. They just give a "plonk" and that's it. So to look at the next photo, I will have to go back to Grid and repeat the procedure, or use the mouse on the film strip. Both seem a little cumbersome. I have asked in a Norwegian LR group and browsed the net, but can't find anything that helps. So here I'm back again.
This is quite embarrassing, but - eh - all I had to do was to restart the mac. But I'll be back!! :)
This is quite embarrassing, but - eh - all I had to do was to restart the mac. But I'll be back!! :)
I get the same thing but it is an intermittent problem. When the arrow keys no longer work, I can sometimes hold down the Option key and an arrow key will advance again. But when we have to restart an app or the entire Mac to get a basic User Interface feature to work, that is a bug.

It's enough to make me wonder if anyone at Adobe actually uses Lightroom (not Classic).
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