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THANK YOU! I haven't fooled around much with Lightroom desktop. I'm a classic man myself. But this was driving me crazy. Okay so it was ONE of the things driving me crazy. Here is another question. How can I apply the edits to a previous photo to this one? I know how in Classic and mobile, but for the life of me can't figure out how to do it in CC, or whatever they're calling it.Caps Lock doesn't work n the cloudy version, but Shift + shortcut (e.g. Shift 2) does auto-advance. It's well hidden!
See page 151 of your Edit Like a Pro book.How can I apply the edits to a previous photo to this one? I know how in Classic and mobile, but for the life of me can't figure out how to do it in CC, or whatever they're calling it.
You are SUCH a genius! Having said that, I know about copy and paste, which is what I wound up doing. But I was looking for the "Previous" button like Classic has. But this will work. And while we're on the subject, why won't Classic let me Ctrl+C to copy edits like desktop will? Oh well. I did find out something even more interesting while reading page 150, was the ability to make copies in Desktop. Since I never used Desktop before, I didn't pay attention to it. But that is handy. I wish I could do that in Mobile.See page 151 of your Edit Like a Pro book.
You're not alone.It gets confusing to me.
Library module>Photo menu>click on the Auto Advance option to uncheck it.Speaking of Auto Advance, is there a way to turn it OFF?