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Anyone use Lightroom from the Mac App Store?


Premium Classic Member
Premium Cloud Member
Mar 17, 2018
Lightroom Experience
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Operating System
  1. macOS 15 Sequoia
I'd prefer to use the Mac App Store version so I don't get all the Adobe Creative Cloud cruft, but wondered if the App Store version has any differences to the Adobe.com version?

No, it’s identical. The only warning is that Lightroom Classic is being added to the LR1TB plan when purchased direct, but almost certainly won’t be included when purchased from the Mac App Store. If you’re only going to stick to Lightroom ecosystem though, go for it.
No, it’s identical. The only warning is that Lightroom Classic is being added to the LR1TB plan when purchased direct, but almost certainly won’t be included when purchased from the Mac App Store. If you’re only going to stick to Lightroom ecosystem though, go for it.
The new plan is one of the reasons I'm starting to looking more seriously at migrating to Lightroom cloud.

One small clarification - you can download Lightroom cloud from the MacOS App Store and use it with a license purchased directly from Adobe, you do not have to subscribe via Apple.
One small clarification - you can download Lightroom cloud from the MacOS App Store and use it with a license purchased directly from Adobe, you do not have to subscribe via Apple.
Oh that’s an interesting detail, I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing!
The new plan is one of the reasons I'm starting to looking more seriously at migrating to Lightroom cloud.

One small clarification - you can download Lightroom cloud from the MacOS App Store and use it with a license purchased directly from Adobe, you do not have to subscribe via Apple.
Yes that is true. I started subscribing to Lightroom Mobile via the Apple App Store. That version comes with 100Gb of cloud storage. On Black Friday I bought a Lightroom plan with 1TB. That plan comes with Lightroom for Mac or PC (not Classic) which I believe the App Store version is just for iPhone or iPad. I forgot to stop the App Store Lightroom plan so it auto renewed at £49 which was nearly as much the 1Tb plan bought on Amazon. So long as you link them to Adobe account you're good to go. I have two plans and 1.1Tb of storage until the App Store version expires at which point I'll lose the 100Gb. So to summarise you don't need to buy your plans off Adobe.
That plan comes with Lightroom for Mac or PC (not Classic) which I believe the App Store version is just for iPhone or iPad. I forgot to stop the App Store Lightroom plan so it auto renewed at £49 which was nearly as much the 1Tb plan bought on Amazon.
Just for clarity, there are also different plans from the different Apple App Stores. On iOS, you get a mobile plan that doesn't include the desktop version and only has 100GB of storage, whereas if you buy from the Mac App Store, it's the full 1TB plan that you can also buy directly from Adobe.
I logged into the forum with exactly the same question - I've treated myself to a new Mac Mini and needed to install LR Cloud. I was also curious whether I still needed to use the Creative Cloud App (and all the cruft that comes with it) or whether I could use the App Store version.

Connecting to my account was really easy - I just entered my Adobe account email and password (plus a two-factor challenge) when prompted, and everything synced up nicely.