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CC App Anyone care to speculate about LrC 14, presumably releasing in mid-October

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Nov 16, 2015
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  1. Windows 10
I'm going to speculate that DEVELOP will be further enhanced with AI-based tools.

Less likely is AI-based enhancements to MAP or LIBRARY.

I can hope for another BOOK printer option.

I also expect a lot of new bugs.
Your guess is as good as anyone else's. Anyone with inside knowledge is certainly restricted by a Non Disclosure Afreement from discussing anything about upcoming releases. Sometimes you can get a clue thought by looking at what they've already released in ACR and/or Bridge. as well as what's in any "public beta" they may have released - but it's all just speculation and everyone hopes that their "wish list" items are included.
I have given up with speculation as I don't participate in any LR beta testing like I do for PhotoShop.

However, I have a lot of HOPE for some things.
I'm hoping for any improvements to Denoise AI. Not that it is bad but competitors keep pushing forward. DXO DeepPRIME XD2 was released in the spring with PureRaw 4. DeepPRIME XD2s was released with PhotoLab 8 a few days ago. XD2 was meh IMO but they went up a notch with XD2s. I had PureRaw 2 but dumped it when Adobe released Denoise AI and I'm not spending $300 CND on PL just for NR. PureRaw won't see XD2s until March of 2025 when v5 is released. I still doubt I'd get it.

As a birder I'd like to see a Sharpen AI module or something similar. I get good results but would love to be able to squeeze out more feather detail if I need to. I still have Topaz Sharpen AI around which isn't costing me anything which I only use if I really need to.

Those are the only two things I really want.

Speaking of Canon. Several sources have said that there will be a plugin to get true Canon colours instead of emulations. It may even be bigger than just colour profiles. Since the Canon R3 Adobe has been providing RAW support for new cameras before or the day they ship. My gut tells me they settled some legal issues and are working together. We'll see.
I didn't post my OS, etc .

LrC Version Number: 13.5.1

Operating System: macOS Sequoia 15
v13 came out on the 10th last year so possibly 10 more sleeps.
I'm going to go on record predicting with 100% certainty that between now and when LrC/14.0 comes out, that there will be more speculation on this and various other forums.
Well I’ve been searching all over for about a week for a possible sneak peak but it’s pretty tight lipped out there . Not a surprise.
If LrC/14 follows the normal pattern,
  • Most of the things on your personal 'wish list' will not be included,
  • Many of the problems and feature requests that have been lingering for years will continue to linger.
  • There will be some new features that may prove useful for some but would never have been something you'd have asked for.
  • Sometimes there are one or more "wow" or "game changing" fetaures or changes (e.g. the new masking or AI remove)
  • And, some things will be included that will leave you scatching your head and asking "why?"
it's also likely that there will be performance improvements, they will drop support for older Operating Systems, and that a dozen or so bugs which cropped up recently will have been addressed. All this along with the traditional new cameras and lenses.

But the bottom line is that some "dot-zero" releases are quite exciting, interesting, and have plenty to talk about and other dot-zero releases are tepid and anything but awe inspiring. Which LrC/14.0 turns out to be remains to be seen.
Good thing I don't want too much. That is what expect. Adobe has its fingers in many jars.
Good thing I don't want too much. That is what expect. Adobe has its fingers in many jars.
Adobe overall? Or Adobe Lightroom suite?
If LrC/14 follows the normal pattern,
  • Most of the things on your personal 'wish list' will not be included,
  • Many of the problems and feature requests that have been lingering for years will continue to linger.
  • There will be some new features that may prove useful for some but would never have been something you'd have asked for.
  • Sometimes there are one or more "wow" or "game changing" fetaures or changes (e.g. the new masking or AI remove)
  • And, some things will be included that will leave you scatching your head and asking "why?"
And the Lightroom team's process for new/improved features and bug fixes will remain just as opaque as ever. (which is like a thick block of solid obsidian.)

it's also likely that there will be performance improvements,

In your personal wish list tems?
they will drop support for older Operating Systems,
That's normal for software vendors. I hope that retain support of Windows 10 at least until late 2025, when Microsoft drops support
But the bottom line is that some "dot-zero" releases are quite exciting, interesting, and have plenty to talk about and other dot-zero releases are tepid and anything but awe inspiring. Which LrC/14.0 turns out to be remains to be seen.
I'm going to hazard a guess here. But please no brickbats if I'm proven wrong. LrC 14 will be announced at Adobe MAX. I'm sure that know we all expect a dramatic announcement, and not just for Lightroom. Why else call it MAX, instead of Adobe Boring or Adobe ordinary
I'm going to go on record predicting with 100% certainty that between now and when LrC/14.0 comes out, that there will be more speculation on this and various other forums.
Shouldn't you say that you are speculating that there will be more speculation? :D
LrC/PS/Lr. Sharpen AI is all I'd like to see at this point.

I’d like to see Smart Collections/Albums in Lr and DeNoise that worked on non RAW files so that I do not need to go to Topaz for Denoise.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'd like to see video being handled closer to photos. I don't do a lot of video but it always seems tacked on the side with minimal functionality. Not so concerned about editing but eg syncing would be good.

That said the LrC syncing is something os a complete mess with weird rules about when originals are stored in the cloud, when only smart previews, keywords, etc. Complete dogs breakfast but maybe many of the problems are from the initial design (corner cutting?) in Lr so sorting now would mean but changes to Ly (CC) which will be a nuisance for some/many users.
That said the LrC syncing is something os a complete mess with weird rules about when originals are stored in the cloud, when only smart previews, keywords, etc. Complete dogs breakfast but maybe many of the problems are from the initial design (corner cutting?) in Lr so sorting now would mean but changes to Ly (CC) which will be a nuisance for some/many users.
Acturally the v13.3 release fixed many of the issues with LrC syncing. I think some of the issues that we see since v13.3 have more to do with users attempts to try to handle the pre v13.3 sync problems making things worse.

I think the "rules" are straight forward. Originals are stored in the cloud only when they originate in a Cloud based app. (i.e. Lightroom mobile/desktop). LrC only stores proxy Smart previews in the cloud. It can't get any clearer than that. The differences between flat cloud keywords and LrC hierarchal keyword continues to be a problem.
Acturally the v13.3 release fixed many of the issues with LrC syncing. I think some of the issues that we see since v13.3 have more to do with users attempts to try to handle the pre v13.3 sync problems making things worse.

I think the "rules" are straight forward. Originals are stored in the cloud only when they originate in a Cloud based app. (i.e. Lightroom mobile/desktop). LrC only stores proxy Smart previews in the cloud. It can't get any clearer than that. The differences between flat cloud keywords and LrC hierarchal keyword continues to be a problem.
I wasn't thinking about the bugs, more the structureal aspects eg videos not being sync'd.

I find the "rules" a complete pain. When I go cycle touring I don't take a laptop (camping so weight, electricity, etc.) and use an iPad. So when I get home getting everything into LrC is a nightmare and I end-up having to allow the sync, delete out the images in LrC and then copy in from the SD cards. Last time I tried deleting everything from the cloud before running LrC but that all happened around the same time as the sync bugs which impacted me badly - so I've no idea how well it worked.

also, if you sometimes import into LrC, other times via Lr (iPad/iPhone) then the cloud ends-up with some originals, some only Smart Previews and for me that becomes an unreliable backup (whilst away from home without external disks and without good Wi-Fi).

When non-cycling travelling these days I take laptop largely so thinks can be imported and saved to the right place, tagged properly (once) etc.

I no longer cycle tour, but I do travel with an iPad and even when I am at home import most of my Z7 images using an iPadPro. It does not bother me that images from LrC are proxy images. They are large enough for any screen work. I have taken to migrating my LrC catalog to the cloud using Lr but this has created some issues that I am still working out. I would like to see an option in LrC to sync proxy images OR full size. You can only do this if you get the larger Photography plan since 20GB is less than a typical camera card.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I no longer cycle tour, but I do travel with an iPad and even when I am at home import most of my Z7 images using an iPadPro. It does not bother me that images from LrC are proxy images. They are large enough for any screen work. I have taken to migrating my LrC catalog to the cloud using Lr but this has created some issues that I am still working out. I would like to see an option in LrC to sync proxy images OR full size. You can only do this if you get the larger Photography plan since 20GB is less than a typical camera card.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I used to travel (not cycle tour) with just iPad as the backup to cloud was robust on poor hostel Wi-Fi (automatic recovery, it just got on with it, catching up when didn't get completed "last night", etc.) But eg travelling 4 months images, sometimes several sites in a day took months to sort into LrC once returned home.

So now I travel with Laptop and use Chronosync to a cloud service for the cloud backup. (I travel on the assumption I could lose everything at any time eg arriving in new city and get mugged walking bus station to hostel).

An option in LrC to sync full size originals would be one of the features I'd put on my "sort out sync" wishes, though other than cycle touring I avoid the Adobe CC as much as possible.

I'm hoping for any improvements to Denoise AI. Not that it is bad but competitors keep pushing forward. DXO DeepPRIME XD2 was released in the spring with PureRaw 4. DeepPRIME XD2s was released with PhotoLab 8 a few days ago. XD2 was meh IMO but they went up a notch with XD2s.

I have installed PL 8 test version and yes, XD2s is an improvement. If you review the results at 100% zoom level and side by side with Deep Prime (PL6) you will notice a difference. I really wish Adobe have been spending their resources on more effective improvements than fine-tuning a feature from 98% to 99%.

The latest LrC improvements on spot healing / remove have been a big step forward. I'd wish they would improve "Remove" (w/o AI support) to be as powerful as Photoshop's remove tool. In general, but in particular if it comes to removing distractions near the edges of an image.
I am using a PC with an old version of WIN 10 and waiting with dread for the next update which will possibly preclude me from using, as I am not yet ready to throw away the old machine and buy a new PC due to Microsoft's policy!
I am using a PC with an old version of WIN 10 and waiting with dread for the next update which will possibly preclude me from using, as I am not yet ready to throw away the old machine and buy a new PC due to Microsoft's policy!
Technology always moves in one direction. Old hardware eventually gets left behind. A 9 year old Operating system is positively ante-diluvian in the computer age. I'll bet you don't drive a 10 y.o. car or have a TV that is that old.
Technology always moves in one direction. Old hardware eventually gets left behind. A 9 year old Operating system is positively ante-diluvian in the computer age. I'll bet you don't drive a 10 y.o. car or have a TV that is that old.
Whilst I'm not a Windows user, my (maybe incorrect) understanding is that Microsoft will end support and security updates for Windows 10 in 1 year, so LrC 14.x is expected to run for 1 year before v15, potentially Adobe would be supporting LrC on an OS that Microsoft are no longer supporting nor updating.

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