Any way to duplicate a publish service?

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2008
nr. Reading
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
I'm using WP/LR sync to publish to Wordpress - but I want different export options for different parts of my web site. So I want to create different WP/LR publish services with different export criteria.

Is there any easy way of duplicating the service, or does it have to all be done manually. I can't even find a file to duplicate that defines the service
I'm not familiar with the WP/LR plugin. For all Publish services you can right click on the header line for the publish service and choose "Create another Publish Service via 'xxx'". Where "xxx" is the name of your publish service. The new Publish service can point to the same WP account or a different one. The Export parameters are unique to each publish service.

Publish Service parameters are stored in the SQLite database that is the LR catalog file. The Publish Service collection/album Smart Collection settings associated with each publish service can be exported to a Smart Collection template and imported in another collection or publish service.
Aha -now I'm back in the office and I've tried this, it's a bit disappointing. It duplicates the service, but it doesn' actually copy any of the settings - making it pretty useless (IMHO!). So I have to enter all the settings and license key again, and Create another publish service hasn't actually saved me any time.

BTW WP/LR sync is a great plugin that allows me to manage all my WordPress images from my Lightroom catalog, apply watermarks (using the publish service) and generally keep track of things.
BTW WP/LR sync is a great plugin that allows me to manage all my WordPress images from my Lightroom catalog, apply watermarks (using the publish service) and generally keep track of things.

Thanks for that. It's on my review list... I WILL get to it someday!
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