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Android SD Card storage for LrM

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Active Member
Apr 26, 2015
Midwest, USA
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version Number
LrM 8.2.3 (Android); LrC 12.2
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
  2. Android
I upgraded to a 1TB SD card for my tablet. I'd like to put the older/smaller card into another Android device (my phone) and use it for LrM.
If I just transfer the card, as is, will the LrM data be transferable to the new device, please?
I only just began to use LrM in BOTH devices. Both devices are set to sync (download) collections from LrC on my PC. Neither are auto-uploading photos or edits from the devices yet.
I have not had success doing that. LrM or LrD both expect to download the files. I did not dig into what/why it failed. I have a fast enough connection, I just wipe the card and let the phone or PC download again.

Have you tried to copy the database file, if it is accessible to users? I'm very familiar with LrC, but new to LrM.
I don't have an issue with re-downloading on the tablet, but the phone has some as yet unidentified problem---downloading at 50 smart previews in 8:30 mins. All the photos are already synced to the tablet, so I was hoping to take advantage of that.
It's going to take weeks at this rate...on the phone, anyway.
I have tried to copy the "external storage" card between phones. Never worked. And like I said, I have a fast enough connection I never looked into it to see if I could get around it.
Check the internet speed on the phone. If your wifi is faster or you have a weak cell signal, switch to wifi and test there.

On my last phone, I also had issues with background processes from FB and others significantly slowing down the phone.

Last consideration, make sure you enable background service/process and also disable the energy saving/optimization for Lr. By default to save the battery life, most companies configure the battery management to be really aggressive on allowing things to continue to run.

I have tried to copy the "external storage" card between phones. Never worked. And like I said, I have a fast enough connection I never looked into it to see if I could get around it.
Check the internet speed on the phone. If your wifi is faster or you have a weak cell signal, switch to wifi and test there.

On my last phone, I also had issues with background processes from FB and others significantly slowing down the phone.

Last consideration, make sure you enable background service/process and also disable the energy saving/optimization for Lr. By default to save the battery life, most companies configure the battery management to be really aggressive on allowing things to continue to run.

I've been troubleshooting an issue with this phone, as discussed in the link below. I've been on Android forums as well, no solutions yet. I had already enabled background apps, as you suggested with no improvement.

If you want to weigh in on the unanswered questions, the discussion is here: https://www.lightroomqueen.com/comm...collection-to-lrm-android.47397/#post-1313874

Thanks for your help.

Sorry, in this aspect I would not be much help. I barely use LrM, I did some experiments with it and found that my phone is really too small for me to want to work on.

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