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All Synched Photographs

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Mar 7, 2020
Lightroom Version Number
lightroom classic 12.0.1
Operating System
  1. Windows 11
I have several synched collections but my cloud storage is getting chewed up. I have come to understand that "All Synched Photographs" means all the photos in my catalog that have been synched and are now on the Adobe server. I unsynched all my collections and then deleted all the files (over 40000) in "All Synched Photographs" in an attempt to free up cloud storage space. My plan was then to go back to select collections and re-synch. However, after I deleted all the files from "All Synched Photographs" I am still seeing messaging that I am over my storage. It makes no sense as zero photos are being synched. I deleted them from the LR mobile app as well ( they will stay undeleted for 60 days but I selected all the deleted and chose "permanently delete". Any help/insight is appreciated as I don't want to increase my plan because Adobe is not allowing me to free up space when I choose to unsynch collections/photos.
Images from Lightroom Classic Collections sends Smart Previews to the Adobe Creative Cloud Storage and these do not utilize any storage allocation. The other applications that come with the Photography Plan, Lightroom (cloud based) and Lightroom (Mobile) for smart phones and tablets do sync original images to Adobe Cloud Storage and will utilize your storage allocatio.
See attached for steps to convert "originals in cloud" images which count against your paid for storage to Smart Previews which do not count against your paid storage but can still be used in pretty much the same way as before.

I will probably clean up this document a bit and post it as a blog on my web site (DanHartfordPhoto.com) in the next day or two as it seems to come up here with some frequency.


  • Free up Paid Storage.pdf
    125.3 KB · Views: 240
What about other things that use up your Adobe storage allocation. The ones I'd check are:
  • files stored in the Creative Cloud Files (see Explorer) and anything in its Deleted Items
  • Photoshop Cloud documents - see https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents
  • Photoshop library files
  • other files created in Adobe mobile apps
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