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Library module Adobe File entitled "Camera Raw"


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Apr 4, 2019
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Operating System
  1. Windows 10
For a variety if reasons, I've become a somewhat infrequent LR Classic user and so I've also lost familiarity with the programs needs, specifically associated files. With that as background, I need to make some room on my PC - I have a large file under Adobe called Camera Raw in which there are hundreds of Cache files. It's in Adobe and not under Lightroom but I suspect it is tied to LRC. As I inspect these files, each one becomes larger as I add more photos to LRC. So my question - are these directly associated with LRC and are they cumulative meaning that they capture all data each time? In other words, can I delete the many older files without any loss of LRC data as it pertains to my management and edits? I am still running Windows 10.

Thank you,
Lightroom Classic uses the Camera Raw routines (built-in, not through the plugin) for the develop module. What you are referring to is the Camera Raw cache, which you can consider as being the develop module previews. Deleting them does not cause any loss, but can slow down editing because the cache has to be rebuilt.
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For a variety if reasons, I've become a somewhat infrequent LR Classic user and so I've also lost familiarity with the programs needs, specifically associated files. With that as background, I need to make some room on my PC - I have a large file under Adobe called Camera Raw in which there are hundreds of Cache files. It's in Adobe and not under Lightroom but I suspect it is tied to LRC. As I inspect these files, each one becomes larger as I add more photos to LRC. So my question - are these directly associated with LRC and are they cumulative meaning that they capture all data each time? In other words, can I delete the many older files without any loss of LRC data as it pertains to my management and edits? I am still running Windows 10.

Thank you,
Lightroom Classic uses the Camera Raw routines (built-in, not through the plugin) for the develop module. What you are referring to is the Camera Raw cache, which you can consider as being the develop module previews. Deleting them does not cause any loss, but can slow down editing because the cache has to be rebuilt.
That is very helpful - thank you. I am still wondering though, does the last cache file contain previews from only the new photos added? I just added 3 photos and the cache file now is the largest of the cache files. Alternately, can I determine what previews are included in the latest cache file?
The maximum size of the Camera Raw cache is user-specified. See the LrC Preferences>Performance tab where you can reduce the size if you prefer. The Cache is operated on a FIFO basis (first in, first out) so older cache entries can be automatically removed to make way for new entries if the cache size is set to a value lower than the size needed to retain all the entries for your image library.