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Import Adding color label on import, bug or feature?

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Premium Cloud Member
Jun 29, 2019
Rhode Island, USA
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I read a hint that said to add a color label to each photo on import that you can put its name, e.g., purple, in the title field and voila that grid shows the color as does the meta data.
However if you then try to filter on a color photos using the filter bar they are not found. The issue appears to be capitilazation... it doesn't work if you use "purple" on import but if you use "Purple" it does and all is well. I haven't tested the other colors but I presume they'll follow this behavior. As noted in the title I'm not sure if this is a bug or a design feature, but its perplexing so I thought I'd share
The Label field contains the "Text" associated with the Color Label Set that is current. In the Default Color Label Set, "purple" is assigned to the purple color label. You need to put this text value in the Label field of the Metadata Preset assigned to the import preset or assigned at import.
Thanks. I did have the term "purple" in the Label field of the import preset. And it DID work in that the grid shows the purple color and I can search for "purple" in the "any searchable field" . BUT the filter on the bottom row does NOT work UNLESS have capitalized Purple... it doesn't like the lower case purple.... even though the part that colors the grid does :)
BUT the filter on the bottom row does NOT work UNLESS have capitalized Purple... it doesn't like the lower case purple...
Take a look at your current (the one that is checked) Color Label Set
Frome the Library menu {Metadata}{Color Label Set}{Edit...} Look at the characters in the field for the purple label. If you are using the Default it will be "Purple" with a capital "P". The Toolbar Filter is looking for the value in the purple field and is doing a case sensitive search. The text search in "any searchable field" found on the filter bar is not case sensitive ane will return images the have "Purple", "purple", "pURPLE" or "purple-people-eater" in any of the searchable fields.
Take a look at your current (the one that is checked) Color Label Set
Frome the Library menu {Metadata}{Color Label Set}{Edit...} Look at the characters in the field for the purple label. If you are using the Default it will be "Purple" with a capital "P". The Toolbar Filter is looking for the value in the purple field and is doing a case sensitive search. The text search in "any searchable field" found on the filter bar is not case sensitive ane will return images the have "Purple", "purple", "pURPLE" or "purple-people-eater" in any of the searchable fields.
Aha! Got it ... thanks much

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