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Import A user preset, that contains a 3rd party camera profile, is not shown in "Raw Defaults" dropdown menu

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Premium Classic Member
Jul 27, 2019
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10.3 release
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  1. Windows 10
To simplify the workflow, I try to create a user preset in the Develope module, which sets a 3rd party camera profile (ColorFidelity for Canon R5). That´s no problem and the preset is working flawlessly within the Develope module. Now I want to use that preset in Preferences/Presets/Raw Defaults as default >specific< preset for the R5. But this preset is not shown in the nested dropdown menue, which lists the availably options (here Default -> presets -> User Presets -> "?").
If I create a preset using an Adobe profile e.g. "Adobe Landscape", that one is listed in the Raw Defaults item list and works without any problem.
Is this bevaviour a bug or a feature? May be Adobe checks the items, which are "allowed" to be listed in Default Raws and can be chosen as default (e.g. via the uuid)?
I wouldn´t understand such restriction. Or make I mistakes?
I've just tried to do that, i.e. created a preset using one of the Color Fidelity R5 profiles, then set that as the default in the Raw Defaults preferences for the specific R5 camera. That procedure worked correctly (on Windows 10), so maybe you have made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps you could post a couple of screenshots, one from the Presets panel in the Develop module showing your newly created preset in User Presets, then another one showing the list of available presets when you select the R5 as the specific camera and open the Default>Presets dropdown list.
Thank you, good to hear! I will try it again and report...
I've just tried to do that, i.e. created a preset using one of the Color Fidelity R5 profiles, then set that as the default in the Raw Defaults preferences for the specific R5 camera. That procedure worked correctly (on Windows 10), so maybe you have made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps you could post a couple of screenshots, one from the Presets panel in the Develop module showing your newly created preset in User Presets, then another one showing the list of available presets when you select the R5 as the specific camera and open the Default>Presets dropdown list.
I tried this on a Windows machine in a testing environment. Repeated attempts where not successful. Now, knowing that it should work, I made a reinstall of LR. And the problem has disapeared. All things worked as you described it. Thank you for your help!
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