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How do professional photographers who want to show their work to prospective buyers provide
versions of the photos online, by DropBox, or email.
The buyers need to see a beautiful image online, but not be able to download an image to make their own 'quality' print.
I don't want to deface the...
I'm sure someone out there has been able to easily do this for sales presentations but I can't find it!
I want to be able to display my clients favorite images at actual 36x48, 30x40, 24x36 etc on my 55" display or with my video projector so they can see how that size looks.
I'm aware of the...
I'm sure someone out there has been able to easily do this for sales presentations but I can't find it!
I want to be able to display my clients favorite images at actual 36x48, 30x40, 24x36 etc on my 55" display or with my video projector so they can see how that size looks.
I'm aware of the...
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