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I must be doing something strange.
If I mark rejected phots with an X (to reject it) and then go to the Photo menu to bulk remove them, I only get the option to remove them from the collection, not delete them from disk.
Is anyone else having this issue or I have failed to tick a box...
I'm working with a student who wants to use his iPad to store and cull his photos using Lightroom (the cloud version) while traveling.
The issue I'm having is setting up a good post-import workflow to review, reject and rate photos. In the desktop version of Lightroom cloud, the flags...
while in survey view i understand that clicking the x on the bottom right of an image removes it from the survey and the remaining images resize to fill the space. my question concerns the pick and reject flags on the bottom left below the image. it used to be that when i picked or rejected...
I have CC2015.10 on a Dell XPS17 Windows-10 on C: (SSD), images on internal E: 750Gb spin drive.
Last night I cleaned up my catalog to remove many, many files (NEF, DNG,JPG) that were full copies of my Desktop photos. I used 'X' to reject, I used the Spray can to apply 'X' to reject, then...
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