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Okay, I never really used Print Module before but I need to get a handle on it to make my life easier. Or maybe you'll all tell me I should be doing what I want to do in a photo editing program, but let's see. :) I have a feeling these will be some custom setups which I will need some help...
I am using a custom lr template to create a collage of images in the print module - when I go to a different collection to get other images , the image that is already placed in the template disappears!
Is this correct? - Can I only use images from one collection?
I am using the latest...
Hi, I am trying to send a print to the lab and find that I need to use the "brighten" feature in the print module to get my prints looking like I see on my computer monitor. I would like to print an 11 x 14 but the print module puts everything on 8 x 10 so my preset crop leaves margins on the...
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