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Thanks to Victoria and Paul awhile back, I got my Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC on laptop, Web Lightroom, Mobile Lightroom on ipads and mobiles to synchronise after everything went pear shaped and synchronising had stalled completely after panic attacks on my old 2012 Macbook pro.
It took...
Just sharing an experience of a PC move.
I recently upgraded my desktop PC. I had all my lightroom photos, catalogues, etc. were on a second internal data hard drive. Originally, I was just going to move it, but instead I copied everything from the old 2nd hard drive to the new one. I then...
Yes, I messed up making the transition to a new laptop. So, hopefully, I am back to square one and someone can make it idiot-proof for me.
I have a new laptop.
Lightroom Classic and my Catalog are already installed.
I also moved my photos from my old laptop (in one parent folder) to an...
I recently moved Lightroom from a Windows 10 laptop to a new Windows 10 laptop. I had a standard folder structure and copied my photos and catalog onto an external hard drive then copied the data onto my new laptop.
I thought all had gone OK as the folder structure looked fine and just as it...
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