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I have installed my LR classic on a new PC.
Before I did this I have moved (within LR) all my new pictures synced by the mobile LR app in my IPHONE to my picture harddisk to have the pictures physically in one place.
After installation of LR classic to my new PCI have created a new Folder for...
Hello - I've just started again to use LR Mobile and uploaded 250 photos and videos to Adobe Cloud, successfully. But LR Classic is not syncing them, and although it says with green checkmark that syncing is complete, there has been no syncing. I found that the Mobile Downloads.lrdata file is...
I had previously used Lightroom CC (and still have an active subscription for it). I moved over to using Lightroom Classic a few months back. Everything worked out (albeit, a mess. I have a large 250gb unstructured folder of jpeg/raws on my external that I can't figure out what to do with)...
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