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I bought a new M3 MacBook Air and installed LrC on it. Seems to work fine except for one thing. I intermittently get the following message:
The thing is, as you can see from the screenshot below, I had already given LrC "Full Disk Access".
If you give an app Full Disk Access, then in the...
II just got this error message in LrC:
In English:
Lightroom Classic does not have access to some default folders.
Lightroom Classic cannot provide access automatically. For more information on providing access, click ‘More information’. Lightroom Classic may not work properly if you continue...
I have the latest lighroom classic installed on a windows and a mac laptop. I have a catalog created from windows, stored on an external ssd. I am not able to open this catalog from a mac laptop, saying it is a 'network volume or a volume lightroom can not save changes to'. I am also not able...
I have just spent the day trying to migrate my LRC catalogue on Windows 10 to a new Macbook Pro (Sonoma 14.4.1) by following the LRQ 'Moving to a new computer' PDF and run into issues with my photos that are held on my Windows Home Server 2011 server.
On the PC my workflow is to import locally...
I have previously been using LrC on my windows PC with an external HD. I now have a MAC studio and sinology NAS and having trouble getting everything across and i do not want to import again. I have read the e-book about moving computers. but still need help.
I have mapped a NAS drive and...
So recently I have noticed that LRC is loading up my external drive with cache files after I exit. I went into Settings, Performance, and down to Cache files. Yes it is set to my external drive. I attempted to reset it to "Default" but it's not giving me that option. Its asking what...
Navigating the Library view just felt a bit sluggish for me today. I restarted LrC, no difference. Restarted my 2020 iMac, no difference. Optimized catalog, no difference. Then I suspected it was lag from my keyboard and sure enough, it was!! I directly connected my bluetooth keyboard to my...
Anyone use an M3 iMac with 16 GB RAM & 512 GB SSD for LrC?
If so, do you find performance adequate?
I am a hobbyist, not a pro.
I am coming from a 27-inch i9 iMac from 2019 with 40 GB RAM and 1 TB SSD -- which I now think is a bit of overkill for what I do, at least back when it was new...
Mac / Lr / AntiVirus
I have come across a Lr Classic install on a fully specified 2017 iMac 5k 27inch. There is a 3TB fusion drive with almost 2TB free system disk space. Images are stored on external OWC Thunderbolt disk enclosure (4 x 6TB Red drives - jbod). There are more than 500,000 raw...
Cross posted from Adobe Community Support
TL;DR - how do I jump start syncing from classic when it just sits there doing nothing and says 'synced'?
I've been tearing out what little have my hair I have all weekend with this issue.
I haven't been taking may photos lately and haven't fired up...
I'm interested in hearing from anyone regularly using RAID 1 as part of their backup/duplication strategy. Disclaimer..I know a bit about the benefits and pitfalls of some RAID arrangements, especially that RAID 1 should not be considered a complete backup system. (Personally, I use JBOD and CCC...
Having purchased a new Mac for my photography work, I have followed all instructions on how to transfer everything across, backups etc etc. I actually use Dropbox, so all of my Folder and File Structures are identical, and all of my Photos are also organised on Dropbox. Now I perhaps...
Using LrC 11.3.1.
Before 12.4, in Finder with Column or Gallery view you would see key information about an image e.g. filename, size, colour space and colour profile, dimensions, content create date, create date and modified date and camera .
This is so annoying. This was so useful...
I am preparing to import all my Mac photos into LRC. I have a lot of faces identified in Apples Face Tags.
Is there an app to convert Mac face tag names to Keywords? Mac does not export face names. I need to make them keywords so i can export them to be imported into LRC
Hi all, I have three kids who all have personal iPhones and iPads now. As expected, the flow of photos is unstoppable. Must be a genetic disorder ;). Anyway I am deciding on a workflow for them when they run out of space on their phones. I have tried to be concise here but failed regrettably...
Good day.
My 2012 Retina MBP is beginning to show its age and I am (still) looking for an upgrade.
I am currently using Lr CC Classic to edit along with a few plugins for my monochromatic conversions.
I was looking at purchasing a new MBP but am intrigued by the newest iPad Pros. I am trying...
After being a loyal iOS only user for 11 years, I've finally decided to give Android a try with Note 9 -- most of all, for the S Pen, and the 512GB internal memory, and the microSD card for storing my Lr Mobile-uploaded albums, 330K+, locally. I also wanted to try importing in the field and...
I'm currently trialling Lightroom CC as a replacement option for Apple Photos on my iMac.
I selected a folder of Nikon raw photos stored on my iMac (in a standard folder, not a library) to import into Lightroom, to see how it was. The photos uploaded fine, but I noticed that Lightroom...
Does anyone know what is the latest version of Mac OSX (or macOS) that LR 3 (more specifically v3.6 for Mac) is compatible with?
I know it works on OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite, but does anyone know if it would work on the later versions of OSX or macOS?
Thank you.
Newbie Question: retiring my old MacPro... what should I buy to replace it?
I use LR 5.7. It suits my needs. Love it.
I own a Canon 5d mk 3 and shoot in RAW
I own a Sony... shoot in their version of RAW called ARW.... my ancient mac pro from 2009 is not upgradeable to modern OS (running...
Operating System: OS X High Sierra
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Classic version 7.1
Hi all - first time caller (but long time LR user)...
So - in an effort to get both Lightroom CC (on laptop and mobile devices) and Lightroom Classic CC (on desktop computer) all synced...
Operating System: Mac 10.13.1 High Sierra
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): 2015.1 Lr CC
I posted an earlier thread on Nov 25 on merging 2 catalogs that had become separated over the last couple of months. There was a simple suggestion by, Johan W. Elzenga, which I was going...
When I go to File>Export and go to click the watermark box, it's not clickable.
I've never had this issue before and can't figure out how to rectify it.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I'm in the transition from Mac to Windows and have a quick question about making the transition seamlessly
First some quick background:
- My files are stored on an external drive (same location/structure as when managing my library on Mac)
- I copied my LR library file from the Mac to the PC...
hi. I'm fairly new to Lightroom and I've been trying to add watermarks to my images so I can post my work online. I've made my watermark in Photoshop and can add the water mark to photos in Lightroom however when I export my watermarked images, the water mark disappears. Is it suppose to...
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