lightroom 6.5 cc

  1. O

    Is there a way to search videos by their duration?

    Hi, I am new to Lightroom. I just made the move from Aperture. I am wondering wether there is a way to search videos by their duration. I'd like to get rid of all my videos that are 3 seconds or shorter. I could do that in Aperture via a smart album, but in Lightroom I can't seem to find a way...
  2. K

    Lighroom 6 CC - Develop Module under Lens Corrections only shows PROFILE and MANUAL

    Can you guys help? I am missing 2 of the 4 options that used to be in Lightroom Lens Corrections panel, I am working from within the Develop Module. Working on CR2 files and .DNG files. I only have Profile and Manual as options under Lens Corrections. I used to have COLOR and (I forgot the...