
  1. R

    Library module Filter on develop adjustments

    Hi. I'm trying to filter photos based on develop adjustments but I can't find a way to do it. I would like to filter all photos that does not have the small +-badge. The reason: I am going to apply some batch settings but I don't want to do it on photos that already have develop settings. Seems...
  2. D

    Optical vs digital methods of darkening skies in B&W images

    I have often read comments similar to this one from Conrad Chavez in the following thread: "If you aren’t already aware, you can change how the B&W conversion looks by altering the original colors...
  3. L

    Trying to use my filters

    Excuse my lack of understanding of lightroom, but I have recently bought a camera and was getting pretty excited about making my own filters. The Filters worked for a while, but now when I go to switch between some filters I have made, nothing happens, the photo doesn't change ..nada. Been...
  4. J

    Refining "Smart Collections" with stacked photographs

    I'm running macOS Ventura and Lightroom CC 11.5 and I am trying to solve what seems should be an easy "Smart Collections" problem. When editing a "Smart Collection" is there a way to select just the top image of a stack to appear in the results? Presently, my "Smart Collection" contains every...
  5. W

    Find tiff files created today

    I used topaz photo AI on 90 photos in LR and it didn't work well. I had about 10 tiffs in the folder that I liked before running topaz. How can I find the tiff files that were created today with the edit in command and delete them from the catalog? Leaving the original 10 tiffs created on...
  6. A

    Lightroom library module filter: 2022 shows as 2021

    Something odd is happening with my library module. When I apply a date filter, the date filter column provides a date in 2021! I'm trying to sort out what's going on. The photos really were taken this year -- and the metadata in each photo confirms this. What you see in the screenshot is the...
  7. C

    Capture date query

    I am using my Epson scanner to scan in a lot of old Family History documents, and managing them in Lightroom Classic. The eventual aim will be to change the capture date to reflect the original date of the document - in the batch I'm working on, these will all be btwn 1914 and 1918. They will...
  8. Paul_DS256

    Issue with Title Search with 'Contains'

    I went looking for pictures of train trestles so did a search of photos containing 'train' in the TITLE. The return seem to find pictures containing 'rain'. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or this is a bug? Thoughts? Thanks
  9. R

    New Radial Filter appears to be inverted

    One of the ways I most often use the radial filter is to put it around a person so that s/he stand out by setting the exposure to -0.50. With the new radial filter I have to invert it. What am I missing? Many thanks as I get to know the fantastic new update to LR. Todd
  10. bill.fischer5

    How do I clear all my filters? I can not select the total number pf photographs in my catalogue.

    the screen shot below shows that I have "Filter off". I have chosen "All Photographs". There are 106274 photos in the catalogue. The bottom line says. "All photographs 106269 of 106274 Photos / 1 selected". My question is what about the 5 photos not counted? When I choose Command A only...
  11. V

    Library module How to search "Original Filename"?

    As Lightroom Classic can save the Original Filename of every photo, but I can't find a way to search them in Library Filter. It's useful when a photo retoucher discuss with the photographer to find out a specific photo.
  12. bill.fischer5

    Library module How do I filter fo all cropped images in LRC

    I just did this last week and know I can not find How I did it.
  13. Paul_DS256

    Find Photos by Comparing Metadata Fields

    Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. Somehow, I've lost some collections I used to make Web pages. I have keywords that would allow me to partially find them but those that full qualify are those where the TITLE is different than the CAPTION. When I initially load photos, I assign the...
  14. S

    filter by size for import?

    Is it possible to have LRC only import files over a certain size? I have a backup of lots of lost pictures on an old HDD but of course there are literally hundreds of thousands of little scraps of GIF JPG and PNG on the drive. What I'd like to do is cut back the task by only importing RAW, TIFF...
  15. Laura Smith

    Negative filters/searches: showing "not Synced and Backed Up"

    I'm trying to display all the photos that don't have full size originals in the cloud (originated from Classic), so I can reimport them in Lr Cloud. The "Synced and Backed Up" filter shows "(676 filtered)" so I want to invert the filter to show which photos aren't fully synced. There's no...
  16. S

    filter virtual copies and its master.

    Hi, Is there a way to filter virtual copies along with their masters ? After editing a bunch of pictures I flag the keepers and usually filter and delete the unflagged ones. Sometimes I forget to flag the master as well as the virtual copy so I have to be very careful not to delete the...
  17. jemostrom

    Finding photos that are not in an album?

    I’ve been trying to find a way to find photos that are not in an album but I must be missing something. How can I do this?
  18. B

    Develop module Relative Positioning and/or Crop with Graduated Filter Presets?

  19. koribrus

    Lightroom filter presets, accurate?

    Operating System: windows 10 Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Lightroom Classic CC I fear this might sound ignorant, but is there a better set of b&w filter presets than the stock ones that come from lightroom? My experience is they do not render a given image correctly...
  20. Win

    Filters & an African Safari

    I am going on a trip to Africa later this month which will include a 4-day safari (super excited!). I looked into renting a super-zoom lens and have almost decided to purchase the Tamron 150-600 G2 lens as my work will provide me with similar opportunities in the future so buying makes more...
  21. O

    Is there a way to search videos by their duration?

    Hi, I am new to Lightroom. I just made the move from Aperture. I am wondering wether there is a way to search videos by their duration. I'd like to get rid of all my videos that are 3 seconds or shorter. I could do that in Aperture via a smart album, but in Lightroom I can't seem to find a way...
  22. lbeck

    Need to optimize messed up library

    Bottom line - is there a way to filter a smart collection for the missing files marker? I've known for some time that my library is fraught with too many duplicates. I didn't know how many until I ran duplicate finder plugin and find that I have about 20K dups! This is the result of importing...
  23. Samoreen

    Any filtering plugin able to use metadata fields ignored by LR ?

    Hi, Assuming I'd like to setup a filter based on the LensID or LensIDNumber fields, LR cannot help. It merely ignores these fields (and others). Is there any plugin that is able to do that ? I tried AnyFilter but that doesn't work for these fields. Thanks in advance. PS : I have found a...
  24. mikecox

    Image count: 615 of 918, can't find the missing 261

    Never mind! I figured it out, I had collapsed stacks. As soon as I cleared them all the images appeared! In Explorer, there are 918 images in the folder. In Lr Library that's the number that displays next to the folder count. However, when I select all the image in the Library folder the...
  25. T

    Anyone would know how to replicate this preset on lightroom?

    @klemenswhite • Instagram photos and videos I stumbled on this instagram profile and really liked the style of it, was wondering if anyone know how to achieve such images. He said that he uses a custom lightroom filter made by him. Thanks!