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I have some problem to understand some LR statistics:
In the catalog block on LRc the "number of all synchronized pictures" is shown. What does this exactly mean and how can I identify these pictures?
In my cas LRc shows 2491 synced pictures. The total number of pictures currently in my cloud...
I have an ongoing problem that I have not been able to resolve despite help from knowledgable others. The help should have resolved my issues but for whatever reason this time around, it is not happening. So I thought I'd post here to see if there are any other suggestions.
My issue is that...
So, I ran out of space on my local disc where I save my originals from CC. No worries, I have everything in the cloud, I just removed the disc and checked "dont save original photos locally" for a while. Then I got a larger disc where my photos would fit and checked "store original copies...
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