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After 10 years of LR, starting from the first beta, it's now time to switch.
The subscription model and force to use their cloud is a clever move to make more money with the existing customer base. But this is not future proof for me, as I don't want to get locked in. (plus price is at least 3x...
Mobile Operating System: iOS
Desktop Operating System: WIN 7
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Adobe CC
What is the easiest way to remove photos from the Adobe Cloud?
Photos were uploaded on Adobe CC on an iPAD, which placed the full RAW file in the cloud and synced to Adobe...
Operating System: Mac Sierra
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): 2017
Hi all,
My old laptop died, bought a new one and arrived today. All very exciting but realised I did not backup the latest catalogue I was using, it only lives on the cloud catalogue of Lightroom mobile...
Operating System:iOS MBP 10.13.1, iPhone X (with the new files app working great and integration with LR Mobile), iPad Pro 11.1.2
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info):7.0.1
NOTE: I cross-posted this in a different forum (Lightroom Classic) and then realized it is really a mobile...
I have a default catalog in one machine which is synced with my mobile devices (cell phone) through the cloud . But my other catalog on my laptop won't be synced or could not see the shared collections. I searched solution before and it seems I have to close the other one in order to 'register'...
I was wondering, if Lightroom provides a function for the direct automatic synchronization between devices using W-Lan ... iPhone to Mac+External backup drive... uploading new images automatically...
What if I need to delete some pictures on the iPhone but want to keep them on the Mac...
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