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Lightroom Classic has recently updated again and created a new catalogue - do I need to keep the old ones? It's chewing up a lot of space - I've got it, but the backups take quite a long time because of it. Thoughts? I do regularly remove backup files in the backup folder (keeping the latest...
Hi.... a year in to this wonderful hobby and I have amassed several thousand images, even after significant curation.
So I'm wondering - do others use multiple catalogues to help manage their libraries? E.g. one for personal / home, one for other work or events, one for say outdoors / landscape...
I have a lot of older catalogues on my mac and external disks (drobo). I wonder if I can toss those or do I need to open all the catalogues to first make them empty in LR... How does LR know that it can trash the catalogue but not the photographs who are all stored on drobo?
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