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  1. MarkNicholas

    Sync Syncing Keywords and other Metadata post LrC v13.3

    Update. Having done the "manual" syncing of keywords between LrC and Lr for a while now I have refined my workflow as follows . For each batch of photos I do my usual keywording in LrC. I then create a "temporary" synced collections in LrC for each keyword. Then in Lr it is just a simple process...
  2. MarkNicholas

    Sync Syncing Keywords and other Metadata post LrC v13.3

    I posted this on the Adobe Community at the end of a long thread and thought I would share on here for anyone still wanting to sync keywords and other metadata between LrC and LR after the changes in LrC v13.3 For me there were 3 possible ways forward. 1. Apply all keyword in LRC and sync...
  3. MarkNicholas

    Sync Sync issues: I went from 4,800 stuck images to zero to one and I want Adobe to listen

    I understand your reluctance. However, once you have made it through the process you will find that syncing is much more responsive and much faster than before, apart from the odd issue as i mentioned in another post above.
  4. MarkNicholas

    Sync Sync issues: I went from 4,800 stuck images to zero to one and I want Adobe to listen

    I have had this dreaded problem quite a few times. Mainly it was just 1 photo but sometimes it was 2 or 3 or even more. It usually occurs with photos that I have previously un-synced and then tried to re-synced. I often did this because I had changed the keywords and wanted to sync them to the...
  5. MarkNicholas

    Oddity between LR mobile and LR Web (cloud based)

    Sorry yes I meant Lightroom Desktop. I’ve lost track of the terminology. That sounds plausible. I will look into it. So does GPS data trump a written Location added to metadata ?
  6. MarkNicholas

    Oddity between LR mobile and LR Web (cloud based)

    LR mobile v 7.5.0; LR web v 7.5; LRC v 13.5.1 [This was a little tricky to explain so please read carefully] I have found an oddity (discrepancy) between the metadata info in LR mobile and LR web (cloud based). Location information for some photos is available in LR web but not LR mobile...
  7. MarkNicholas

    Library module Keywords Not syncing from Classic to the Cloud

    Interesting thoughts and ideas John, Johan, I just tried this and it doesn't work. After unsyncing the RAW (original) and then resyncing as a smart preview in LRC the keywords don't sync. The keywords only synced when the RAW (original) was synced and now I am starting to understand why Adobe...
  8. MarkNicholas

    Library module Keywords Not syncing from Classic to the Cloud

    Remember the big update a few weeks ago where we all had to wait a couple of days for our photos to re-sync. That must be when they started to make the change to close the loophole. I did notice at the time after that re-sync that LRC had stripped out some metadata on a number of photos. The...
  9. MarkNicholas

    Library module Keywords Not syncing from Classic to the Cloud

    90,000 + previously synced photos with keywords says they do (or rather did).
  10. MarkNicholas

    Library module Keywords Not syncing from Classic to the Cloud

    It appears that this "undocumented feature" has been "disabled" in 13.5 (or possibly in 13.3 or 13.4).
  11. MarkNicholas

    Library module Keywords Not syncing from Classic to the Cloud

    After syncing a number of photos from Classic to the Cloud today I noticed that the Keywords did not sync. I have previous synced thousand of photos from Classic to the cloud and the keywords have always synced. Of course they wont sync if I change them after the initial sync but I am referring...
  12. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC v13.3 and Syncing to the cloud.

    I suspect that without the 6 stuck photos it would have been a lot quicker. Everythink is hunky dory now and v13.3 seems to be a bit quicker. I have uploaded photos and LrC is much more responsive with the cloud than before.
  13. MarkNicholas

    Map module Search Feature in Map Module not working

    The search feature on my map module is not working. Its completely unresponsive to whatever I input. Its as if its been turned off ! I have posted a bug report. Anyone else or is it just me ?
  14. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC v13.3 and Syncing to the cloud.

    Sorted. The numbers stated as being synced eventually settled down to a constant 6 and there were 6 "stuck" photos in sync. The way you view sync issues has now changed. Now when you are in "Sync Preferences" you have to hold down the Alt key (windows) to get the pop up box "View Sync Status on...
  15. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC v13.3 and Syncing to the cloud.

    Yes over time syncing between my LrC and the cloud will be seriously "out of whack". I shall persevere.
  16. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC v13.3 and Syncing to the cloud.

    around 90,000. So it could be another separate syncing issue. But, if its stuck on certain photos I would expect the number of photos syncing to remain the same and not constantly changing.
  17. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC v13.3 and Syncing to the cloud.

    I updated to LrCv13.3 yesterday and it still appears to be migrating and checking the synced data. On the sync cloud it shows syncing and says its syncing 6 then 16 then 8 photos etc. The numbers change contantly and sometimes includes uploading and downloading. Is this part of the migrating and...
  18. MarkNicholas

    Library module Organising Keywords

    I recently stumbled on way of quickly and painlessly organising new and existing Keywords. I realise that this is probably known to many of the more experienced users and its probably in Victoria's book but I have been using LRC since it was LR1.1 and I only recently discovered it by accident...
  19. MarkNicholas

    Odd behaviour to correct capture dates on old photos

    I stand corrected. I agree this is very misleading and only Adobe would know if this is a bug or just a poorly throught through feature. However, notice that the text does not change even when you select the bottom radio button "Change to file creation date for each image" (for either a single...
  20. MarkNicholas

    Odd behaviour to correct capture dates on old photos

    Thanks for your response which I respond to as follows using your numbered paras : Item 1 - I found your response to be rather arrogant. I doubt that the delevopers of the software would provide a sophisticated renaming capability if it did not intend for users not to rename their photos. It...
  21. MarkNicholas

    Odd behaviour to correct capture dates on old photos

    I have recently been sorting through some old phone photos dating back to 2009. I had previously renamed the files to include the “Date” in the file name. The renaming tool does not elaborate on which “Date” means but I had assumed it meant the capture date. Anyway what I noticed was that for...
  22. MarkNicholas

    Slow upload speed

    I have also experience very slow synching after all the updates. I suspect there is very busy traffic.
  23. MarkNicholas

    Sync LrC Issues

    Just to report that the latest version of LrC has seen the return of the "sleepy" sync issues with LrC. I rated over 1000 smart preview photos on my phone in Lr and they quickly synced to the cloud (I checked on Lr on my desktop). However, the ratings would not sync to LrC. It took 2 days for...