Search results

  1. B

    Library module Keyboarding panel - inconsistent display of hierarchy

    That's very interesting 2x - what you told me solves an annoying issue, and what Lightroom is telling me about duplicate keywords. Thank you.
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    Library module Keyboarding panel - inconsistent display of hierarchy

    My keywords are heirarchal. In the Keywording / Keyword Tags window, the display of parent folders is inconsistent. In the attached example, Family is 1 of 4 parents to 2JFH (none displayed), South America (displayed) is 1 of 2 parents to Brazil, and digCpy has 2 parents (neither displayed). The...
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    Library module Face detection - no apparent progress

    Still can't make face detection work. To help sort through this, I've attached 3 files to give a more comprehensive picture of what I'm looking at. I have selected my folder of 1950 photographs (because I've done very little work in this folder). I had previously tagged 28 photos out of 240...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    Of course. I don't think I was thinking very clearly when I started this thread. Thank you for your polite replies.
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    Library module Face detection - no apparent progress

    That's very interesting. I can't find anything that looks like this "Welcome to People View". Is this available in the Mac version? I have the people view (O) selected, and see no way to manage the process like with the image above. The only control I have found is behind the name plate - which...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    It would work if the selection on the screen was determined with a keyword. In other words, if I clicked on the keyword "Mary", every image presented would have the keyword Mary attached. A keystroke that eliminated Mary from a selected image would be nice.
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    Ah - that works (selecting a face in the named people window, and showing the others similarly identified - same as using a keyword, and thus not very helpful). I'm trying to figure out how to use AI. As I mentioned in another post, Lightroom Face ID is stalled - the number of faces in the...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    "With the group photo selected, Uncheck the checkbox next to the keyword you no longer want associated with that image. That's one key stroke." One keystroke does not include scrolling, and looking for nested folders. With a lot of keywords, that is a pain. - and with lots of people in a group...
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    Library module Face detection - no apparent progress

    I am attempting to use the face recognition feature. Lightroom face detection is running (not paused). It's my understanding that once the scan of the entire catalog has started, there is no way to stop the catalog scan and target a folder or collection. I understand that it is a large task, and...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    Back again - I didn't imagine the problem, I just didn't describe the problem in a useful way. More details: With Face Recognition operating, selecting an image from the unnamed people window, and from the Photo menu, selecting People > Find similar faces (or ⌘F) returns only the same image in...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    Your reply is very polite. I seem to have made up the procedure of typing "⌘F". It's no surprise that it doesn't work. Sorry for the bother. But now that I have your attention, I'd like to suggest a feature addition for the face recognition capability to deal with the following problem: when I...
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    Library module Face recognition not searching

    After working nicely, in the same Lightroom session, ⌘F is now only returning the selected face when there are obvious matches. Restarting Lightroom did not help.
  13. B

    New Keyword - require confirmation: new feature wish list.

    The Keyword List panel works, but I have so many keywords, it's not practical. The Any Tag plug-in is wonderful. Not only am I using to enter keywords, it identifies duplicate keywords that I hadn't already found. Thank you for the suggestion.
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    New Keyword - require confirmation: new feature wish list.

    I have lots of keywords, and I apply them by typing in the field under 'Keyboarding > Keyword Tags > Enter Keywords'. Because it is so easy to mistype a keyword and therefore inadvertently create a new keyword, the result is a mess that requires periodic maintenance - reassign the old keyword to...
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    Develop module - a few images are black

    Overnight, the issue was resolved. Perhaps restarting the computer was the fix (I did not disable the GPU).
  16. B

    Develop module - a few images are black

    Out of 200 images, 4 otherwise normal images suddenly become black in the Develop module when they were selected (they're OK in Library). The issue persists after resetting the preferences. As I wrote this, more images now suffer from this issue: an hour ago, I was able to edit them, and now...
  17. B

    Edits in Mobile not syncing with Classic

    Good to know about upper right. It reported "Synced", so that wasn't the issue. I think I may have fixed the issue by unchecking "iPad storage" - changes are syncing back to Classic now.
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    Edits in Mobile not syncing with Classic

    Images from Classic uploaded to iPad, but edits on the iPad not syncing back to Classic. (Clicking on my name on Classic in upper left shows only "Address Lookup" and "Face Detection").
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    sync Lightroom to iCloud/iOS

    Very interesting. I need to learn a new habit with the iPHone, but clearly, greatly simplifies everything. But it raises issues I can't resolve when creating my new workflow is it possible to break the sync status for individual photograph(s). I'm assuming the double arrow in the upper right...
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    sync Lightroom to iCloud/iOS

    Is it possible to sync Lightroom actions with the photos on the iCloud? I would like to be able to use my iPhone to take photos, sync them with Lightroom and then do the following: 1) select the keeper photos from the sync folder, importing them into lightroom 2) marking others for deletion, and...
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    Develop Presets have disappeared

    The subfolder I get with 'show all other lightroom presets is the screen shot taken at 20.06.06 The folder that that LR is now using for develop presets is: /Users/mbp2004/Pictures/lrBackroom/Lightroom Settings/Settings/User Presets I seems to me we're getting close. The issue that worries me...
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    Develop Presets have disappeared

    I do have the preference checked as suggested. But since the presets aren't there, it isn't working. I have moved the develop presets from the Library, and they are now at: /Users/mbp2004/Pictures/lrBackroom/Lightroom Settings/Settings/User Presets In LR, when I click on "Show All Other...
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    Develop Presets have disappeared

    In my experience, not just Finder, but Lightroom also hid these presets from Lightroom - doesn't that actually suggest that there is something wrong with my installation?
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    Develop Presets have disappeared

    That was really excellent and helpful information. Thank you! Siince you're doing so well, any thoughts as to why I could use Lightroom for several days with no issue, and then be confronted with the 'corrupt file, no repair possible' error, and have to go back about 10 days to find a lrcat...
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    Develop Presets have disappeared

    Earlier this month, I moved my LR from an iMac to a new Mac Book Pro 16". Everything went well until a couple of days ago, when the following occurred: Unable to open LR. - beach balling. I deleted the current catalog and opened the catalog from the previous day. Next, unable to close...