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Ah - that's better than the gesture-based method I was using. Thanks for that, I hadn't discovered it yet, even though I've used Pro mode.
I still find it odd that Lightroom doesn't allow lens selection, but hey-ho, that's life.
Using the standard camera app, I can switch between the three lenses of my Pixel 8 Pro fairly easily, by simply zooming using pinch gesture or by selecting 2x, 5x etc. However, I've been unable to find a way to do this within the Lightroom Mobile app. is it possible? I can obviously import from...
Thanks - it's good to hear that I'm not the only one. Interesting that you've had it happen twice, just like I have. That suggests more strongly that specific updates, perhaps in combination with certain hardware/software, trigger the problem.
Quick question:
Has anyone else noticed all their Lightroom print profiles dropping specific ICC profiles and reverting to 'Managed by Printer'? I think it happened following a recent update. Mine did and I've had to go through them all and apply the correct profiles once again.
Oh! Very good, I see how that would work. A bit convoluted but in the absence of a 'Clear cell' command it will do the trick. Not sure it's any quicker that deleting and recreating the cell though.
I've looked in the menus and right-clicking etc. but haven't found a way to remove an image from a cell in a custom layout. I can delete the whole cell, but not simply remove an image, leaving the cell empty. Google was no help either. Is this just not possible?
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