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These are both great and simple solutions - thank-you - I clearly am over thinking this as I normally travel with my external 8TB and use that and have done that for more trips than I can count - so it was beyond my thinking. I have about 1.2 TB of space on the MacBook so will go that route...
I’m headed to the Faroe Islands for a two week photography tour in a couple of weeks. I currently have a MacBook Pro M2 w/2 TB internal SSD; I keep my LR catalog on my internal hard drive and keep my LR photos on an 8TB external drive with a back up to another 8TB drive plus use Backblaze as...
I currently have an iMac and my primary LR catalog associated with it (approximately 15000 photos). I also have a MacBook Pro that I use as a play ground (usually when traveling) and it has its own LR catalog.
I have developed a LR slideshow on my iMAC/primary LR catalog and I want to know...
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