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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      I moved it sand will continue with LR for a while longer Have a plan now to move to' ON1 Raw' at some point, its a one-off perpetual...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      Just checked it did install 6.14 just a typo by me I have to use ADOBE DNG Converter .... just installed it. Anybody recall what...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      I used installer that was linked in post above.
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      I did look at my order …. It does not say ‘upgrade’ it was full V6 There is nothing on my account that relates to V5 ….just luck I had...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      RESOLVED - it's working again I managed by searching old emails to find a Serial Number for V5 from 2014 For anybody else with similar...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      I want to install v6 not v5 though.
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      Just to be clear I repeated steps again: Pre-requiste – I have AAM v10 I have Lightroom V6 installer - Lightroom_6_LS11 I have my...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      Hoping we have someone knowledgeable on re-installs. I have my Serial Number I have installed AAM v10 I have the 6.1.4 installer I...
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      Sorry I meant Adobe.
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      I now have the install file Lightroom_6_LS11.exe I have my license key Will it reinstall using that without MS activation ?
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      sargan replied to the thread Moving to new PC.
      No .. not there, I also tried search on HDD ... no such file exists
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      2 questions ... I have a perpetual license for 6.1.4 on W10 PC I have a new W11 PC and in the process of reinstalling all my apps...
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